Buy a Brick
Click here (in the designation, put 'Buy a Brick') to buy a personalized brick and help us lay the foundation for learning and growing at our new TVF Healthy Living Hub!
The Tucson Village Farm Brick Patio Campaign is the perfect way to create a legacy, recognize or remember a loved one, promote a business, or simply share a favorite quote.
By buying a brick, you are helping us to transform and beautify our new welcome entrance.
Engraved Bricks: $250 each with a maximum of 15 characters per line (which INCLUDES spaces and punctuation), and a total of 45 characters).
Every brick gets us one step closer to realizing our vision of cultivating healthy lifestyles, resilience, and sustainability in young people, and empowering them to be contributing members of their communities.

Why are our chickens so funny?
Cause they're comedi-HENS!